Protein materials due to their high and continuous consumption need special attention for storage. If the storage conditions of protein materials are provided properly, in addition to ensuring the health and hygiene of the product, their appearance quality and life will also increase. For this purpose, the conditions for using protein refrigeration are given below.
Protein materials, including meat, poultry, fish, and eggs, are different from each other, and they are stored in a cold store and stored in a cold storage. The two main ways to store protein are as follows:
Cold storage (refrigeration above zero)
Frozen storage (sub-zero refrigeration)
Cooling or lowering the temperature of hot carcasses should be started as soon as possible after peeling them in the slaughter stage so that the temperature of the meat reaches less than +10 degrees Celsius within ten hours after slaughter.
Providing 95-85% relative humidity has an important effect to prevent meat weight loss.
Note: Cooling of carcasses in the pre-cooling room at a temperature of close to zero degrees Celsius is done for at least 24 hours.
The meat is frozen and stored in the form of whole carcasses, half carcasses, quarter carcasses, sliced, boneless and according to the customer’s wishes. To do this, the meat is frozen in refrigerators at a temperature of at least -35 degrees Celsius and an air circulation rate of 3.5 meters per second.
First, healthy slaughtered chickens are cooled with cold water. It is then packaged correctly or in pieces. The packaged chickens are frozen quickly using the refrigerant and immersion method. Under these conditions, the frozen chicken turns white and the risk of fat oxidation disappears. They are then placed in a strong, waterproof carton and transported to a storage room.
It is recommended to freeze lean fish meat as soon as possible and then store it at -30 degrees Celsius to prevent it from being frozen.
The fish is frozen by three methods: air blower, contact (plate) and immersion in refrigerant. Fish of various shapes and sizes are frozen continuously or discontinuously by air blowing. This method is also used to prepare spicy frozen products one by one in a short time. The vertical plate contact method is mostly used to freeze fish mass up to 40 kg, and the horizontal plate contact method is used to freeze wide fish packages with a thickness of about 5 cm and with a heterogeneous shape and size.
Immersion in refrigerant is performed to freeze tuna and other large fish using chilled salt water. In this method, for rapid freezing of individual products such as fish fillets and steaks from nitrogen refrigerant and carbon dioxide Fogging is used.
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